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Icons Surprise Appearance Inspires Team

Cathy Freeman Celebrates Matildas Success on Special Visit

Icon's Surprise Appearance Inspires Team

Legendary Sprinter Motivates Australian Footballers

Former Olympic champion Cathy Freeman made a surprise visit to the Matildas camp on Tuesday, offering words of encouragement and inspiration to the team as they prepare for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup. Freeman, who captured the hearts of a nation with her gold medal performance at the 2000 Summer Olympics, shared her experiences and offered advice to the Matildas, who are ranked 11th in the world.

Freeman, known for her iconic victory lap with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, spoke to the players about the importance of mental toughness, the power of belief, and the need to embrace their unique identities. Her visit resonated deeply with the team, many of whom are passionate advocates for social justice and equality.

As a symbol of her support for the Matildas and her ongoing commitment to empowering Indigenous Australians, Freeman recently unveiled a new tattoo on her right bicep that reads "Cos I'm Free." This powerful message reflects her belief that while she may be a champion athlete, she is also a symbol of freedom and possibility for all Australians.
